Friday, February 8, 2013

Thankful to be at peace...

Well, surgery keeps getting closer! First the calendar turned to February, and now we are actually less than a week out. Some fun things we were looking forward to (a night away and Jerry being announced in his new role) have come and gone and now the next big thing is actually the surgery.

I have been doing remarkably well, even emotionally.  I finally do have peace...which if you know me and what an awful patient I is definitely an inexplicable peace from the Lord. I feel completely carried by the prayers of many.

I did have a moment of tears on Monday.  I am not sure why, but it really hit me hard when I was called with the exact time of my surgery.  I have known the date of 2/14 for weeks, and of course assumed early morning because of its length. However, when she said your surgery is scheduled for 7am and you need to report at 5am, it all of a sudden became a bit too real!

We continue to praise the Lord for the Body of Christ which has come around us in unimaginable ways. It has truly been an experience like no other and we are so grateful.

One hard thing I have been facing is that it has become difficult for me to pray for myself regarding the surgery. It simply causes anxiety to verbalize the requests. I am thankful to be able to rest in the promises of Romans 8:26-28:

 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

A sweet friend who was also recently diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma (what are the odds!?!), asked if I had thought of setting up a prayer signup for people to pray in increments during the surgery.  I had not thought of that, but alas, with Danielle's great idea and the beauty of sign up you go!

Sign Up Now! 

I would be so honored by your prayers during the operation...that the Lord would keep me and grant me protection. Please continue to pray that I would remain healthy until then as well...I feel a cold coming on. :(

Also, I plan to go back and record some of my experiences with this journey over the is therapeutic! Plus there is a whole Acoustic Neuroma Association that points people to blogs like this as a way to navigate the process. So if you are subscribed you may see some random posts back dated to November and December.

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