I popped open the shades hoping to see some white fluffy stuff...the stuff of dreams around here. Instead I was greeted by the familiar sight of ice pellets. Crunchy, slippery, shiny ice pellets. We have been robbed of a true snow day yet again. Don't get me wrong...schools are closed, actually they were closed yesterday too...because a threat of sleet was looming for the afternoon. Only in Texas do they close down because of a threat of ice. It didn't start coming down until after rush hour.
As I sit here longing for some fluffy, powdery, playful snow...I am trying to think of a way to avoid watching the play by play action on TV when as they say, "the weather is the news". No snowmen to make and ice balls are just too painful. Our driveway has a slight hill...maybe we could slide down it a few times? Hmm...we don't exactly have saucers or sleds in these parts. I'm thinking laundry baskets or recycling bin lids.
Which one of those screams "white trash" less loudly?

I am waiting for the fluffy stuff, too. My children still woke up wanting to go outside and play. Hope they have fun and no slide too much. Enjoy a day of white.
I am waiting for the fluffy stuff, too. My children still woke up wanting to go outside and play. Hope they have fun and no slide too much. Enjoy a day of white.
We got a couple of inches last night! I will put up some pics tonight!
hee, hee! I'm thinking that the recycling bin lids are the way to go -- teach the kids to be "green".
We had a very little dusting of snow today and are out of school today too. Tennessee schools get out for the threat of ice all the time!
When we lived in Ohio I taught first grade. The first day it snowed, I was AMAZED that we still had school that day. All the other teachers laughed at me. I learned very quickly how to drive in the snow...
By the way -
I just love the way you write. Love it.
I'd say use the recycling bin lids! And make sure you take some pictures of that sledding experience...I'd love to see:) Have a fun day!
I'm laughing. I've never seen it done in laundry baskets! I'm voting for that one just so I can see the pictures!
Here we have school, even in a blizzard. I'm not sure when the last time they plowed our street was, it's just been snow covered since Christmas I think. We did get two snow days because the temperature was -35. Somehow I know I'd miss the snow, but I sure could go for a 70 degree day about now! Well, that and not wearin ugly shoes everywhere I go so I don't fall and bust my behind! (that sentence right there, it screams white trash!)
I am so with you in this. During this winter we have had 1/2 inch of snow on Christmas Day, which was nice but no more. I live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and I am supposed to have snow. I want snow, I am praying for snow, I am checking the long range weather reports but no matter what I do...no snow!
Roberta Anne
We have a snow day here too. ALthough we do have some snow, it is mostly ice and now freezing rain. Do you have the top to a big rubbermaid container? Those and cafeteria trays make great sleds!
Oh Kerry, You want snow? If I could, I would ship you all the snow we have here in Michigan...I am soooooooo done with snow! All I have to say is bring on the sunshine and warm summer weather!!
We got a bunch of the white fluffy stuff yesterday afternoon and all night! I have to admit I'm a bit giddy about it:) I thought we were leaving all the snow after our vacation, but I guess it decided to follow along after us!
I wish you could have gotten some snow too. Ice is just no fun. But sliding down ice in a laundry basket...now that could be fun:)
I'll send some of our snow your way for sure! :) I would say that it would be less trashy to go in the laundry baskets ;)
I remember those days of ice. I grew up in Southern Kansas, and it was the same thing -- no snow, but we would get ice and school would close at the mere threat.
I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. Hope to see you again soon :)
You are more than welcome to take some of that white stuff off of our hands!!
Thanks for entering my giveaway :)
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