One little kitchen gadget as followed me on each one of those moves...and no matter how spacious or cramped our kitchen has been, it has served its purpose and served it well.

Just stick this little baby on the inside of any of your cabinet doors or on the inside wall of a cabinet...and have yourself the best way to store pot and pan lids ever. Goodbye to the days when they slid out and landed on your toe and took up valuable storage space.
I guarantee you that if you have one you’ll be making sure it makes it with you on all of your future moves too.

What kitchen storage item is on your “can’t live without it” list?
Visit Rocks in my Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips.

That is the slickest thing E.V.E.R.
Thanks for the link!
7 times, ouch.
Shawn and I have moved only 4 times since being married....2 times in w/ his parents. I thought that was bad.....
Love the lid holder too :)
~ Lacie
I have plastic storage containers in my fridge. One for salad dressing, one for jelly, one for sauces like chili, hoisen, BBQ etc, one for sweeties like coconut, raisins, brown sugar and such. It keeps my fridge neat. I love my containers.
Your lid keeper is too cool.
Roberta Anne
In 2007, we made our 8th and final move in twelve years of marriage, so I know how you feel and since I admire you so much, it made me feel better about it! I remember telling a coworker that we were moving (after only a year in that city) and she jokingly asked if we were in the witness relocation program! Same here, no troubles, just hadn't figured out what we wanted.
Love your lid storage!
would you believe that my rice for dinner tonight totally FLOPPED because i could not find the right lid to seal the pan tight enough. oh how i need this gadget!!
This looks like just the thing I need. I snagged the link. Thanks for providing it!
LOVE it Kerry! I'll have to get one of those for my new cabinet doors!
Thanks for the tip!
What a cool idea! I didn't know about those. Thanks for sharing this! Do they make them for tupperware too? I'm always searching for the right lid! Oiy!
What a great gadget! I love to move because it is making a fresh start -- but 7 times in 10 years is a little more fresh than I would want to do!
OMG! I've GOT to get me one of those!!
Can't live without my coffee filter picker upper. A small tong thing with rubber tips that lets you scoop up one coffee filter off the tightly packaged little buggers. Can't find another one. We'll have to visit Williams Sonoma one of these days. MOM
Oooo, I gotta get me one of these. My lids drive me crazy!
Just stopping back to let you know I posted link on my blog to your great ideas!
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