Halloween is upon us and not only am I so thankful for the candy season to be over, I'm also thankful that the family down the street will be taking down their Hollywood grade, life size murder and graveyard scene. I'm hoping for it to be replaced with some pumpkins and haybales soon so I can once again drive by without giving my kiddos nightmares.
As of tonight, all the good candy will be given away. No more peanut M & Ms to tempt this girl. The faux chocolates that Lily brings home from the neighborhood just don't appeal to me, so I'm hoping to get this diet of mine up and running again.
I do have one lingering chunk of chocolate that I've decided to giveaway lest I commit sin and consume it. This Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate bar will be on its way to one of your lovely homes. Then you can be tempted by its tagline..."twilight delight"..."moments of timeless pleasure".
Halloween is upon us and not only am I so thankful for the candy season to be over, I'm also thankful that the family down the street will be taking down their Hollywood grade, life size murder and graveyard scene. I'm hoping for it to be replaced with some pumpkins and haybales soon so I can once again drive by without giving my kiddos nightmares.
As of tonight, all the good candy will be given away. No more peanut M & Ms to tempt this girl. The faux chocolates that Lily brings home from the neighborhood just don't appeal to me, so I'm hoping to get this diet of mine up and running again.
I do have one lingering chunk of chocolate that I've decided to giveaway lest I commit sin and consume it. This Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate bar will be on its way to one of your lovely homes. Then you can be tempted by its tagline..."twilight delight"..."moments of timeless pleasure".

Be sure to let me know in your comment if you want the candy bar. I'll pick a winner tomorrow morning.
As far as Fit Friday goes, I had a decent week all things considered. With Jade's ear tube/adenoid removal surgery being scheduled for today, I din't want to have her in the gym nursery much. Of course she ended up coming down with a slight fever last night anyway, so now we aren't sure if the surgery is going to happen afterall. I did get in one cardio workout and one good workout with weights. And I managed to shed .5 lb. Whoopee.
I hope that your Hot for the Holidays week went well. I'm looking forward to checking in on everyone when I get home this afternoon.
For more Hot for the Holidays/Fitness Fridays go here.
For more Bloggy Giveaways go here.
Have a fun night with your little ones.

Dark chocolate... what a great prize!
Do I want it? Yes yes yes. I'd love to have it, yummy!
asking me if I want chocolate is like asking me if I want to BREATHE LOL
Plus, I LOVE dark chocolate :)
dark chocolate is healthy - lots of antioxidants (whatever THOSE are) :D
As long as she is fever free when she goes in this am it should still be a go, 3 of my kids have had this surgery and one had repeates with a toncil removeal. Good luck with it.
The candy bar sound really yummy do I have to share?
Oh yum. That is what I call "mommy chocolate" so I don't have to share!
If it had been Milk Chocolate I would have been down on my knees begging you! But for dark guess because it's healthy...I'll pass. Grin. I hope things go well with your baby today.
Have a great week.
Check in with you next week.
Chocolate is always a great prize. Thanks!
I am ALWAYS up for chocolate. I too am trying to shed a few pounds but I will sacrifice any goal for a bite of chocolatey goodness. I know it's wrong. I don't care!
Please enter me for the chocolate! Good luck with the surgery, I had ear tubes as a kid and it really helped.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Candy please!!!!!11
Thanks for the chance to win.
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net
I love dark chocolate! Count me in. Thanks for the opportunity.
dark chocolate is my absolute favorite. Thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
Yummy, that looks like pure delight! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hey fit friday sistah! I guess it would really defeat the purpose if I said I desperately want that chocolate. Don't give it to me. For Fit Friday's sake:) I'm happy to have Halloween be over, but I'll be even happier when all my kid's candy is gone!! Then comes the Thanksgiving bounty.....not so good for the diet either....
Mmmm...dark chocolate, the darker the better in my opinion!
I would love to win a dark chocolate bar. My favorite.
pkildow at gmail dot com
I love dark chocolate!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
CHOCOLATE?! Did someone say CHOCOLATE? Better yet... Dark chocolate? My favorite! YUMMM!!!!
I would love to be entered please?
Thanks so much!
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
Good for you getting rid of all the chocolate. That is awesome. If it's not around you can't eat it. Good job on the 1/2 lbs...that's still progress.
Why, oh why is dark chocolate so delicious?? I think the fact that it is "healthier" than milk chocolate makes me think it's more okay... But it is SO good! I'd love to have it!
gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com
yummy- too bad the kids think this is yummy too but yummy mrs.mommyyATgmail.com
I would love the candy bar! Dark chocolate is the only kind I eat :) Thank you for the giveaway and please enter me!
Dark chocolate is my weakness!
yey for dark chocolate! =)
I'm all for dark chocolate. Thank you
juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com
Please! I love dark chocolate!
MMMM Dark Chocolate! Can I win if I am doing Fit Fridays?
I know it will get easier for me too once we give away our candy!
Good luck this next week!
My favorite!!
I would love to win some dark chocolate!
I hope all goes well with your little one and her surgery.
I love dark chocolate!
Of course I want chocolate! Ghirardelli is one of my favorites. Have you tried their Intense Mint? Yum! Thanks for the contest!
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
Dark chocolate is my favorite!
chocalate-dark rich heavenly I love it
Bonnie in FL
I would love the candy bar! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Ok, ok..someone here has to do it...Guess I'll put on my big girl panties and do it. Someone has to sacrifice themselves and eat this dark, rich bar. *Sigh* Girl has to do what a girl has to do...hand it over and I will do my part to save humanity :)
Oooo, count me in :0)
I'd love to win some chocolate! I need a pick me up today.
I can't deny chocolate. Count me in! Thanks.
I love dark chocolate. Please enter me. Thanks
Dark Chocolate is my favorite!!
I only eat dark choco now! Please send it to me!
I would love to win this candy bar.
I'd love to win dark chocolate
I love dark chocolate! What is so great is that I don't have to hide it, 'cause no one will touch it in my family. It's all mine! LOL
Chocolate is a girls best friend.
Looks yummy!
princesslimey *at* gmail (dot) com
It already has my hands on it!! MINE!!! HAHA! Kidding! I'll love to eat one chunk of it! Never tried before though.. :S
I love chocolate! Im a chocolate monster.. Feed me!
Thanks for a halloween giveaway.. I think anyone in a halloween spirit would love this!
Girl, a half pund is great! Lose it slowly and keep it off! Good job this week! I had a horrible week, but maybe next week!
Mmm... As for chocolate, the darker the better!
Chocolate = yes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Who wouldn't want a candy bar!!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
Yes yes yes I want!!!! Seriously though, thanks for the great prize:)
i'll blow any diet for dark chocolate :)
Yum! Count me in please. Thank you for the giveaway.
Yes please! Dark chocolate is my favorite.
brandyu at gmail dot com
please enter me! thanks!
I love those bars! They're great to bake with!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
Do NOT send that chocolate to my house! I'm going to have enough temptation with the Halloween candy we'll be collecting tonight.
I did want to say that half a pound is half a pound. Way to go!! Have a great week.
I would love this candy bar. According to Biggest Loser: Trainer Tips, if you've got to have chocolate, go dark because it has antioxidants (or something or other!)
Ooooo, I want dark chocolate!
-Stacy (slwilkins05@yahoo.com)
Umm, dark chocolate? Hmmm YES PLEASE!
I love to eat dark chocolate... it's my favorite (I like to think it is healthy)
parresia03 (at) gmail (dot) com
Dark chocolate? I am so there! Yes, please, I promise to give it a good home!
And congrats on the 0.5 pound loss - you've got to get that half pound off before you can get more off, right? :)
Mmmm! I've been wanting to try this. I would love to have the candy bar!
dsmoore1 @ centurytel.net
I LOVE dark chocolate. And you know, it's medicinal--it helps my headaches go away!
Thanks for the giveaway!
parknj at basicisp dot net
of course I want choclate!
I'd always take a candy bar!
screamingicecube at bellsouth dot net
I am completely coveting the dark chocolate!
The Power of Housewife Word of Mouth
Dark chocolate sounds wonderful to me! Thanks! And good job having a loss this week!
Im glad to hear all is ok there, any surgery is not a good surgery to undergo. Yes i'd like the candy bar, ty!
Yum. I'd be happy to take it off your hands. Even though I shouldn't be eating chocolate, either.
Aren't there some pretty significant benefits to eating dark chocolate? And, if there aren't, we'll just make some up, mkay?
Thanks for the opportunity!
Dark chocolate...my favorite!!
Imagine how excited I was when I read the medical reports online that dark chocolate was good for your health!!! Finally, a fattening food that is actually good for you! LOL Thanks for the giveaway!
I love dark chocolate!
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.
I've been eating more and more dark chocolate lately. Has way more health benefits than milk chocolate goes and I guess I acquired a taste for it. I now like it more than I do milk chocolate.
Thanks for the great giveaway and have a safe and Happy Halloween.
May Canadians enter your giveaway? I'd love a chance to win some dark chocolate.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Ewww. They scheduled her surgery for Halloween? Will she be able to go trick or treating?
Of Course I'd like the chocolate! It's dark. :)
Hope everything went well today with your daughter,
Lalycairn (at) gmail.com
dark chocolate...my favorite. Count me in!
Trick or Treat! Please enter me in your dark chocolate candy bar drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi
Chocolate is an awesome giveaway! Thanks.
I'd love to try this chocolate!
This would be yummy. My son would probably claim it as he love chocolate as much as me. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com
That chocolate bar would definitely hit the spot right now!
I LOVE chocolate!! :-)
*drool* yummy dark chocolate! Sign me up for this, please! :)
Thank you!
olsoncoupons a+ gmail
do+ com
Dark Choc. is my favorite. Thanks
princessesindisguise (at) yahoo(dot) com
I would love to win this bar of dark chocolate!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'd love it, yummy
Do I want chocolate? Do you even need to ask? YES!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com
of course i'd love your chocolate. better than my babies' halloween candy!
I love dark chocolate!
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
My daughter loves dark chocolate. I asked her if she'd like this and boy would she LOL.
Dark chocolate oh baby. Awesome!! Send it over and I promise to take good care of it.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
Wow you still lost 1/2 a pound with all that you had going on, great job!
I hope your daughter had a good recovery. I'm a nurse and have had a lot of patients that have had those procedures done, so I hope things went well.
Sure, I'm in for the chocolate - it's dark chocolate, the best kind!
Dark chocolate is my favorite. I had a piece tonight. Thanks!
I like dark chocolate. And white chocolate. And milk chocolate.
Yes! I'd love the chocolate!
of course i want the chocolate!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
Dark chocolate can't hurt your diet, right? In small doses? It's keeping it small that's hard! ;)
teacherkrista at gmail dot com
WOW! 105 comments before mine. I LOVE dark chocolate... But I am trying to loose 10... So not for me! You would have thought though (if you saw me eating tonight) that I was looking to gain 10! UGH! Halloween, what a joke! Hope you were able to get the surgery done today, and that Jade is feeling good. Have a great weekend!
My husband would probably take the chocolate before I could even think to open it. HA!
That chocolate bar looks so yummy!
I'd love to win, if Canadians are allowed to enter!
My mom would definitely steal that from me before I got a chance to even look at it...dark chocolate is her favorite!
Of course I want it! =)
Yes, please, I would love this candy bar. I can't turn down chocolate! Thanks :)
Dark chocolate is actually beneficial for your health. But who am I to stop you from sharing your blessings? Thanks for the health-booster!
Chocolate is always a great prize
Dark chocolate is heart healthy! So good for you...Hope you have a little piece of it every single DAY!
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