I pretty much like to smell everything and it occasionally gets me in trouble. Once when Jerry and I were still dating, he accompanied me on a quick run to the drugstore. I was there to pick out some new shampoo and he was just learning my habit of having to smell everything. He was making fun of me as I picked up several different bottles and gave them a little squeeze to get a good whiff. When I squeezed one bottle though, it gave a bit more quickly in my hands and I ended up with shampoo completely up my nose. He smirked and asked me if I had gotten a good enough smell of that one.
Anyway, Halloween is forcasted to be in the 80s here, so I wanted to jump into some cold weather cooking while it lasts. When BooMama mentioned doing a Souptacular / Crockpotalooza today, the first recipe I thought of was for Crockpot French Onion Soup. Onions do not happen to fall in the category of things I enjoy smelling, so I can guarantee you this is the only recipe I make that calls for 3 large onions...thinly sliced, no less. Expect to shed a few tears, ladies.

Crockpot French Onion Soup
(prep time 15 min; cook time 7-9 hours; 8 servings)
· 3 large onions, thinly sliced
· 1 Tbsp. butter, melted
· 1 Tbsp. olive oil
· 1 tsp. sugar
· 3 Tablespoons flour
· 1/4 tsp. pepper
· 4 (14 oz) cans ready to serve beef broth
· Shredded Mozzarella cheese
· French bread, sliced
In 3-4 quart crockpot, combine onions, melted butter, olive oil, and sugar. Cover crockpot and cook onions on high heat for 30-40 minutes or until onions begin to brown around the edges. Stir thoroughly. Sprinkle flour and pepper over the onions; mix well. Let cook for 15 minutes longer on high. Then add beef broth and stir again. Cover crockpot and cook on LOW for 7-9 hours until onions are tender.
Finishing touch:
Top sliced bread with shredded cheese. Place in broiler until cheese melts and bread is browned. Float a piece of toasted cheese bread in each serving.
This is one of my favorite recipes because it truly only dirties your crockpot. It is the only one I've found that doesn't require you to saute the onions in butter first.
Oh and the original recipe mentions that you need to peel the onions. I thought that was a given, but just in case I don't know my audience...please PEEL the onions, folks.
Head back over to BooMama's for other great recipes.

i've never had french onion soup, but i'm thinking i just might have to now. this sounds really good.
and it's my husbands favorite soup.
Hi! I found your blog through boomama's carnival, thanks for this recipe i'll have to try it. I also wanted to share that if you burn a candle beside your cutting board that you cut the onions on, you won't cry! I learned that from Martha Stewart so I can't take any credit.
This is great. French Onion soup is my very favorite, but being able to do it all in the crockpot in one step is great! Thanks.
Hi. This sounds great. I LOVE French Onion Soup. But, alas, my hsuband won't eat it.....I will just have to dream of making this one.
Sounds really good Kerry. I have to grocery shop today...I've always wanted to try French onion soup, and now I can't resist because it's crockpoted! YES. Now if I can figure out away to cut the onions thin in the processor??
Thanks for visiting. French onion soup is one of my favorite soups, so I will definitely be trying this one!
French Onion Soup is my FAVOURITE but I rarely make it because of all the steps and the dishes. I can't wait to try this one!
I'll have to try this recipe. My hubby loves French Onion Soup. I can't smell a thing...really. I have the worst sense of smell ever and that comes in handy at times, but I think I'd like to smell some great fall scents like that pumpkin you were talking about.
You had me at French Onion.
THIS is my FAVORITE soup. And to do it in a crockpot? HELLO!
Thank you for sharing! : )
Very cool! I needed a crockpot version of Onion Soup!! Thanks!
i'm not so much into the smell or taste of onions but if i lived near you...i'd wanna come lay near your vents and sniff in that dusty smell. i'm wierd too i suppose! ;o)
Mmm...looks so good! Thanks for sharing!!
I was so excited to see a crockpot recipe for French Onion Soup. It's my hubby's favorite! Thanks.
So lovely. When our dust on the coils heated, they set off the smoke alarms. LOL! Soooooooooo not funny - baby was less than amused. :(
Can't try the recipe - I don't do pumpkin anything. But thanks for sharing. LOL :)
I'm so stupid. I thought the recipe was "Pumpkin Onion Soup" LOL I need to go to bed.
This is one of my favorite soups, but doing it in the crockpot would be sooooo much simpler. Thanks for sharing!
I used to use Loreal Matique, I wish I had some. I think I'll look on Ebay,,,,thanks for joggin' my memory.
Hmmmm. This is very similar to my regular non-crock recipe except mine has a whole lot of white wine in it and a splash of Worcestershire. Do you think cooking it in the crockpot makes it more flavorful? Because it is so easy to make the normal way.
I like this one tho because I usually have all these on hand. It would work on the, oh heck, what's for dinner days.
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