Jade Amelia, in honor of turning 8 months old today, here are 8 things that I never want to forget about you at this precious stage.
1. Your Sharpei puppy rolls. I wish they were as cute on me as they are on you.
This picture is NOT of Jade, but it could be! (I thought about putting her naked self on my blog and then thought again...some things are for a momma's eyes only!)
2. The way you so carefully pick up each and every Cheerio from your tray and so gingerly guide it to your mouth. Then the way you look at me when they are all gone and you want more...explains #1.
3. I love that while most babies your age are saying ba ba ba or da da da, you, for some unknown reason, are saying....inga, inga, inga. Obviously verbally talented.
4. The way you gracefully tolerate Lily bothering you...until you've had enough...and you loudly bark a baby cuss word at her.
5. When you smile, you smile with your whole body. Every roll, every limb, every digit on your body shakes with excitement.
6. When I roll a ball to you, you snatch it up just as it is rolling away. (I need to insert a video here.....JERRY....HELP!)
7. The way your face lights up when I sing to you. Are you secretly laughing at mommy's voice?
8. You are consistently sleeping 12 hours a night. Your current schedule is roughly up for 2 hours, down for 2, up for 2, down for 2, up for 2, down for 1, up for 2 down for 12. Okay, I realize that adds up to 25 hours...I said "roughly" people! Anyway, gotta love them ZZZs.
I'm so inspired! I'm going to do the same thing for Morgan. He turns one tomorrow. I'll do 12 things. Great idea!
Happy 8 months Jade!!!! =) Rachelle
What a great gift you have for sharing your love for your family! You need to print all of your entries out so you can have these for your girls to remember!
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