Jade, we love you so much and enjoyed celebrating your second birthday with a Winnie the Pooh party on July 4th. We enjoyed cake and water balloon fun after sweating like crazy at the parade.
We did your party early. Monday was your actual birthday and you enjoyed getting some special phone calls and birthday cards in the mail.
In honor of turning 24 months old, here are 24 things that your daddy and I always want to remember about you at this precious stage:
1. You have several little things you say with the cutest voice, including: "What happened, Mama? Aw, man. Are you okay, Dada?". I must get them recorded on video though because it is really the way you say them that makes it so sweet.
2. You are still a great sleeper...sleeping about 11 hours at night and then about 2 hours in the afternoon. You are so sweet when you wake up and usually announce loudly, "I wake up!"...and we are so glad you did.
3. You are such a cuddle muffin. You are especially cuddly when we sing and rock at night.
4. Some of your favorite songs that you sing with me are Twinkle Star (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star), Mary Lamb (Mary Had a Little Lamb), Jesus Lamb (I am Jesus' Little Lamb), and Bonnie Ocean (My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean).
5. You are very amazing with your hands. Diligent about working puzzles and turning the pieces until they fit just right.
6. You are also great at putting on your shoes and buckling the top part of your car seat. You protest if I try to help you.
7. You are still a good eater. You love hot dogs, macaroni & cheese, broccoli and yogurt.
8. When it comes to drinks, you prefer water...except for the warmed milk you guzzle down every morning and night.
9. I don't know your exact stats, but you are taller than most kids your age, where some 2T clothes but fill out 3Ts well, and weigh about 30 pounds.
10. You can show an attitude like no other. If you trip and fall or are bumped into, you shout, "No! No push me!" in a scolding fashion to whoever is closest to you.
11. You also show distress when daddy or mommy plays with other kids.
12. You still love puppies of all kinds. I am thankful that we just have a few of the stuffed variety right now. I know if Daddy ever shows up with a live puppy that he will blame it on you!
13. You are also still very in love with Winnie the Pooh although you usually are okay with leaving him in your crib for the day.
14. That is not the case for your "bay-bay"....your beloved yellow blankie...it still travels with you most places. And we turn around to get it if we are close to home and have forgotten it.
15. You do not know your colors yet, but sometimes guess them correctly.
16. You are able to identify hearts and triangles by name.
17. You are able to answer 3 catechism questions and part of the fourth one. You are so sweet when you answer them...another thing I need to get on video. (1. Who made you? God. 2. What else did God make? God made all things. 3. Why did God make you and all things? For his own glory.)
18. You have several nicknames around here. Jader. Jader-Tater. Jayda. Sissy. Sister. Lily most often calls you Mrs. Jayda though...we are not sure how she came up with that...but you love it.
19. You have changed Gramma Jean's name from Gramma to "Grammer". She loves it! Also, when you have been around Papa, you start to call Paw, Papa, instead. It is all confusing I'm sure. So far, Memmy and NeNe have remained unchanged.
20. You are not potty trained yet, but are very aware of when you have tinkled or pooped. No matter which you have done though you always exclaim, "I poo pooed"! This is not so fun when you shout it out at a restaurant...usually when you have just tinkled a little bit. Potty training is on my agenda. (3 grey hairs just sprouted)
21. You love your dad's new pick up truck. You always comment about trucks now on the road and LOVE to go for a ride with daddy.
22. You also love the water. You are fearless. Last weekend you let us put you under water several times without fussing at all. You also jumped off the side to us and floated on your tummy and back. We had to stop you from walking into deeper water when it got up to your chin!
23. You are so cute when you try to run. It looks more like a skip or a horse trot than a run.
Yes - I'm reading your blog when I should be getting ready for my flight! Glad the party went well! Happy 2nd B-day, Jade! Sorry I never got to catch up with you the last few days! It's been nuts! Thanks for the sweet message yesterday. Going to get my boys!!!!!! I'm a momma on Monday! Feels good! :)
24 special thoughts for a precious 24 month old! Happy Birthday Jade!
Great pix! Great commentary! You got talent! Love MOM
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