You know it is bad when your mother phones you to make sure you are okay...because you haven't updated your blog recently.
It has been crazy for the past week. The girls night out was great. I seriously laughed until I cried. My nose even ran. And I didn't have a tissue. If Lily had been with me, I would have wiped it on her know...just to repay the favor.
That night was my last good memory and it was a week ago. Sigh.
I plan on keeping this brief, but the majority of our issues have been stomach virus related. Lily never got it, Jerry and I had it briefly, but Jade. Poor Jade. Late last week you could not only hear her little bottom exploding from across the room, but smell it too. My, oh my. Thankfully she is better now.
There were intermittent episodes of vomit as well. The kind that make you just want to throw out your carpet all together. Thankfully between Resolve and countless hours on our hands and knees scrubbing, the sights and smells are starting to fade around here.
My dear mother could sense my stress over vomit rugs and offered to get them cleaned for us. I think that is a mother-daughter love language thing right there. I owe you mom.
Add some bad mommy days, winter blues, and a few other things and I just haven't been fun to be around.
And somehow in the midst of all this my Google, FireFox, and Blogger pages are all in French at the moment. I don't have a freaking clue. I just hope I hit the right button to get this thing published. My minor in Spanish is helping me a little...but I just knew French would have come in handier though...just knew it.
So, pretending that Jerry has absolutely nothing going on at work, I called him and had a full on meltdown today. The kind that left him scared to hang up too quickly. Poor guy. He got to hear all about how Jade had only napped for two 25 minute intervals and how I had played princess, painted, cut and glued with Lily til I was just about worn out. And how I entertained a neighbor girl this morning and how the milk spilled and how they tracked it through the house, and how Jade slid and busted her head and how Lily wasn't obeying well...and how all of that happened in a matter of minutes.
I felt much better after hanging up.
When he got home he reassured me that these are trying days and how completely normal it is to feel overwhelmed at times. Then he reminded me of these commercials...which I actually don't remember seeing back in the day. Sure, I get the jokes about them, but somehow seeing them is just so much better.
There are multiple versions...all of which we just watched and laughed about.
Do they still make this stuff? I'm thinking my tub could hold quite a bit of it.
I think I may need to get a deadbolt for the bathroom door.

Hi Kerry,
Sorry it's been so long since I stopped by your blog for a visit. I'm sorry to hear about Jade. Must be that age. Gauge has had MORE than his fair share of the stomach bug. I think this spring/summer we to will be getting our carpet cleaned!! Hope your week gets better!
~ Lacie
Oh yuck! I'm sorry, no wonder you missed out this morning!
aww... I totally know those days. I'm sorry you had one or several:/
Hopefully you will get at least a short break tomorrow with Lily at school... that is if your ceasar salad isn't to time consuming.LOL Hopefully Jade will take a great nap in the morning! We had so much fun the other day at chik-n-play (that is so cute) too, we will definitly have to do it again. Conner is sooo in love with Lily!:)
Oh friend. Been there done that. Feel your pain. Right now I'm praying for your day tomorrow. That it is tantrum free and full of emotional rest for you. And free from illness. Love to all of you.
I am so sorry and know what you are going through as we are also plagued by illness for the last two weeks. Praying that Jade gets well real soon.
Roberta Anne
Ah, meltdowns over the specialty!
I love your humor mixed in with all this!
Those commercials make me laugh!
No door would stop my family from intrupting me while I was in the bath!
oh those days of little ones and how much more work it is. i've got my hubby on speed dial for just those sort of occasions. thank the Lord for sweet men who can listen and still want to rescue us!
Oh, girl, so sorry about all that "stuff" that's being making life crazy. No fun!
You should just let Calgon take you away! :-) Sounds wonderful to me...
Have you tried going into firefox into the Tools Menu to Options and then to Content and making sure English is set instead of French?
Oh my gosh, ever since I had kids I have shouted CALGON TAKE ME AWAY so many times!!!
Hasn't worked yet.
robyn, yes...i did fix it there, but it remains in french in blogger...and then reverts back to it occasionally in firefox crazy! thanks!
So sorry to hear of Jade has been ill, Al and I have had the joy of this exprience, although we have blamed it on Vacation, thought we ate something bad, neither one of has left the house for almost 3 days... Take the calgon and run, lock and enjoy some you time. Love to you all!
You need a Little Green Machine (Bissel) !! About $70 & worth every single penny. I am not kidding you. I honestly cannot live my life without one!
Poor baby Jade. :(
I actually do remember viewing these commercials, but they mean so much more to me now ;-)
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