a competitive sport? No way! Yes indeed! It is one that involves mental alertness and perfect timing! It is called How-To-Find-And-Then-Actually-Enroll-Your-Child-In-Preschool. You may think I'm kidding, but in this area, it actually is a competitive sport.
These are just a few of the questions that I've been trying to fit in during brief phone calls with area preschool directors: Is your program a MDO or a preschool? Do you use a curriculum? Which one? Is it a 2, 3 or 5 day program? What are the hours? Do you offer a stay-and-play option? Do you group older 3's together? Do parents provide the snacks? Do you have a carpool drop off? How does that work? Is there an aide in the class at all times or just a floating aide? What sort of "special" activities do you offer? Spanish? Music? Library? Do you have an outdoor play area?
Then I try to fit in a few more if I actually pay the school a visit in person: Do you have a "rest" time? Are the bathrooms in the room, or down the hall? What is your policy on potty accidents? Do you conduct chapel? How often? Do you have guest speakers come visit? Do the fire and police departments come visit? What are your fees? Registration? Supply? Monthly tuition?
Great! Sign us up! Oh, wait, what's that? There is a waiting list already for Fall of 2008? You're kidding! So the church members have dibs on the first open spots. Okay, and then the currently enrolled siblings get the next shot? So, does the general public really have a chance? No.....okay, NEXT!
Well, after having that ordeal play out a few times, I am thankful to announce that I have finally secured a spot for Lily next fall! I found a great school, with a long standing history that is near our house and whose fees are reasonable. Whew! I am glad to be done with that sport for a while. I can't believe how much it stressed me out. Hard to imagine what it will be like when she's ready to start checking out colleges!
Husband, Make Her Shine
12 hours ago
I love your list of questions! Which school did you choose? Morgan is going to First Baptist Lewisville MDO in the fall. It is Mondays and Fridays. But, I'm sure that you already know all about all MDOs in town :)
Yeah I just played this sport as well. Although, I had to find a school for 3 that we could afford!
Love this post!
Boy did I miss the boat on the questions. Maybe you should write a book for the North Dallas Suburban Mom on "The Search for the Right MDO program and the Questions Every Mother Should Ask". You'd be a best seller!
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