Well, now that we are blogging, let me give a quick update on our family for those we haven't touched base with in a while.
- Jerry and I celebrated 8 years of marriage this past July...and I can honestly say it has gotten better each year!
- In those 8 years we have moved SIX times...yes, we are crazy....but we are good packers and always manage to keep our closets clean! Our most recent move was in June of 2006 and there are currently no moving plans in the works!
- Career wise, neither Jerry nor I are doing what we studied...notice I didn't say we aren't using it, just not doing it! Jerry's degree is from Dallas Baptist University in Biblical Studies, and mine from University of North Texas in Education. Jerry did work for five years at our previous church, Park Cities Presbyterian, as the Director of World Missions. It was an amazing job and an amazing time of ministry and world travel, but he has recently changed career paths to another form of "ministry"..education. He is a little more than a third of the way done with his masters degree and plans to be a public school administrator...currently though, he teaches junior high US History...I'll try not to post too many of the crazy stories he comes home with. I did teach for a few years in inner city Dallas, but am currently working for a Dallas food distributor...part time and from home! Yes, it is an awesome combination that I am really thankful for!
- Family wise...we have been blessed with two beautiful daughters...Lily Grace in September of 2004 and Jade Amelia just this past July! I am sure that a lot of this blog will be dedicated to them and all of the stories that come to be just by living with them! They have been the most amazing gifts from God..also the most challenging at times...but hey, growth is good, right!?!
- We are being fed the Word of God in amazing ways at The Village Church! That is the best gift our most recent move brought us!
Stay tuned for more current news and pictures of the family...once I figure out how to do that!!!
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