Hubby got a new job!!! We are going back to our old church where he will be Director of World Missions again. So thankful for this opportunity on so many levels...more on that later.
We decided to stay here and commute for a while.
The Lord changed our hearts on that...although we LOVE the community we live in, how can we effectively serve in a church 45-60 minutes away?
We decide to list our house.
Our realtor recommends we get our foundation repaired.
Foundation repair happens. What a mess!
Contractor comes to make repairs from said foundation repair.
We paint, clean, organize and reorganize until we are past tuckered out.
The house actually listed late last Thursday afternoon.
Several showings over the weekend.
We received an offer Sunday, we countered Sunday night, and they accepted our offer Monday morning.
Inspection happened yesterday.
A few things I left out: Meeting with countless foundation companies to make a decision regarding that, meeting with countless contractors to make a decision regarding repairs, spending countless hours on to make a decision regarding where we are going to live, researching/visiting countless private schools to make a decision regarding our girls' education in the city.
Do you see the theme here?
We are spending countless hours making decisions. Whew! I am exhausted yet extremely THANKFUL. None of these decisions would be necessary had the Lord not provided my husband with an amazing job opportunity and then a great offer on our house within 3-4 days of being listed.
Oh yeah, and I need to mention that during all of this, my precious father-in-law had major open heart surgery. Praise the Lord that he is doing WONDERFUL! Though not as important, Jerry also joined and started playing for 2 indoor soccer teams during this time as well as finished coaching his first season of U5 girls soccer.
Anyway, assuming that the inspection (we're still waiting to hear) and the appraisal go well, the couple buying our house wants to close and move in on 12/18!!!!
Yikes! Because of Jerry's job change we can't close on a new house until 12/31. Double yikes! That probably wouldn't be too much of an issue if we actually knew what part of the city we wanted to live in and had a house picked out. My mom's guest rooms are ready for our hopefully only 14 day homeless stint.
Working with our awesome realtor Friday.
I anticipate more countless hours of decision making on the horizon. Honestly THANKFUL for it though.
What are you thankful for?