Jade (bottom left) was 15 months in this picture...I just found it while looking through my cell phone pics. It was the first time she ever sat on the potty...and she actually tinkled.
Of course that was October, and she hasn't done a dern thing since. Unless you count her sitting on it for 5 second intervals, getting up and saying "all done", and then using copious amounts of toilet paper to wipe something that don't need wiping.
After all the "issuahs" we had with Lily...I'm just hoping and praying this one is easier. It wouldn't take much, that's for sure.

Gauge freaked out when I put him on the potty a couple weeks ago. Then when I took him off, he got mad. Potty training a boy is going to be a whole new learning curve for me!
~ Lacie
At least there is some interest in doing so.
Cute. I have not even started with my 22 month old...I'm clueless and he's my second...the first time was so traumatic I blocked it all out
It has GOT to be easier for you this time! :) Just wait till she's 5 to start ;)
I'm all about no pressure, no power struggle. I've done it two different ways with two very different kids. Lily was potty trained in one week shortly after her 2nd birthday. Dax was in training off and on for a year with a cutoff date. He didn't get anywhere without a deadline (that is his mama in him!). He was potty trained the day after his 3rd birthday. It'll be intresting to see how things go with Finn.
I'm not sure I buy the boys or girls are harder deal. They are just different. Personality count a lot. I think girls tend to use the whole potty business as a power struggle. I think boys just don't care!
Good luck! Let Lily do it, what are big sisters for?
After continually fighting pee pee accidents and over a year of potty training, I am really in no hurry and I wouldn't think you would be either. Hey, how much worse could it be with Jade??!!
Hang in there! But secretly, I am SOOOO glad that these days are over for us!!!
I'm so glad my kids are beyond that stage!
I take care of my two year old great grand baby who does the same thing. Take off the clothes, sit on the potty, point out that her seat has Blue's Clues on it, wipe, wipe, wipe and then get off and nothing!! My hope is that when her Mom is home for summer vacation she will get the job done and in September I will get back a fully potty trained child.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday
from Roberta Anne
I feel a great scrapbook moment coming on.
I'm glad that WW Day is here. I'm nursing a cold and it's been alot of fun blog visiting.
Have a terrific week!
Copious amounts of toilet paper...oh yes ma'am. I know all about that. ;)
I am thinking that with Lily as her guide, she might catch on more quickly?? Maybe??
Good luck with the potty training--I'm looking forward to it as I'm sick of changing diapers (and my son has a loooong way to go!)
I'm totally feeling you on this one. Avery was all about the Elmo potty a few months ago - when I wasn't ready to potty train her. Now, she doesn't want anything to do with it,
By the way - next time I head down to Dallas, I'm totally looking you up for some coffee!
something about an older sibling! my AJ was a quick learner cuz of that. be blessed my friend. it's exciting when they wee wee, but when it's boys...it's EVERYWHERE! congrats.
I am trying to train my fourth child and it's not any easier. In fact, she's the hardest one yet! It wasn't too bad training my son because my sitter did it! LOL And my second daughter was easy 'cause she trained her too! LMAO. No, I'm just messing with you. I did just instill what she was teaching them and that made it easier, but Anna - the baby - has us all stumped. She knows enough to go hide somewhere when she has to do #2.
She's does the same thing as yours: sit for 1/2 a second then want to wipe! Yesterday she sat for about 15 minutes (all while she complained), got up, walked around without a diaper, had a bath and did #2 five seconds after I put the diaper on her. I am sighing with you!
Potty Training was the bane of my existence, but my second was a bit easier than the first!
ahhh... good times. just now starting the training...
Found you through your funny comment about the Dora doll on Love, Laughter, Lyrics: the Tillman Family. Feeling your pain on the potty training. My kid is 29 months old, and still only goes intermittently. He may be the only kid in kindergarten still wearing a diaper. Good luck!
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