Friday, January 16, 2009

Are you sure we don't have to come back for 6 months?

I always loved going to the dentist as a kid. I’ve been going to the same guy for 30 years...only strayed once, and quickly found myself back in his chair. It’s a no frills, just drills, sort of office, but back in the day, that little cardboard treasure chest filled with prizes and the fact that he always put a polaroid shot up of all the kids, made me love his office.

So how much more is Lily going to love the memories of her new pediatric dentist’s office?

I love it just for all of it’s mommy espresso bar, a fridge with chilled bottled waters, even a massage chair that will massage you from head to toe while you wait…if your 18 month old will let you sit there long enough.

The jungle themed office has a life size tree house with slide for the kiddos and a dark movie room that seats 10 or 12 people in theater styled seats.
All of these comforts are just in the waiting room. I only got to go back with her on her very first visit, and was shocked at all of the other kid comforts that awaited back where the real work takes place.

They asked her if she liked princesses or barbies, to which she replied that she was a princess. They used pink peppermint scented gloves as they “tickled” her teeth. She then was donned with princess sunglasses as they laid her back in the chair. A movie screen on the ceiling began playing Cinderella as she was examined.

Not only did she get to pick a new toothbrush and a prize, but had a chance to check out the video game room while I talked with the dentist.

Too bad we don’t need to go but every 6 months. We all had a blast.

I’m just wondering if her dentist is accepting new patients…you know, the adult variety?

***These photos were taken 6 months ago...this is Texas, but even we don't wear shorts in least not usually.***


life with the wisners said...

seriously, dude. email me where this place is. i mean, we love our dentist. but a treehouse? c'mon.

Sara@iSass said...

My kiddos are going to the dentist on monday. it wil be Roo's first time, Butter's second. We are meeting a new dentist. I have my own fears about going so, it should be interesting. Your place looks AWESOME!

Christina said...

please tell me where this wonderful place is!?? i need a dentist for makenna.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's just awesome. Don't have that here, as far as I know. I'm thinkin' with your kroger and now this dentist's office, I need to move to Texas!

The Raggedy Girl said...

What a great post and I think Lily is a princess too, she certainly has a princess smile. What a great dentist office and how nice that they make it fun for the kids.
Roberta Anne

Laura said...

WOW! Sounds like my kind of dentist office! I think that I've been thinking about how I wish it was summertime so much that I didn't even notice the shorts!! It's SO COLD here!!

Shelby-Grace said...

All I can say is WOW! That is my kind of dentist office!

jennifer said...

That's so amazing! I wish we had something like that here!

Jackie said...

I have yet to take Savannah to the dentist, but I am seriously thinking about driving 10 hours to this magical place. Incredible!

Jamie said...

Wow! That looks like a dentist office I would love to go to!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Wow! That is awesome.

Alana said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I want to live by you!!!

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